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Tech to Market
Essenstraat 1
5616 LG Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Picture This – not just a phrase, but a call to action. What if we persist in our current way of life? What kind of world will we find ourselves in 20, 50, or 100 years? It’s a call for designers to introduce alternative perspectives and harness the power of visualization.
Although you are probably enjoying beautiful summer weather, Autumn has secretly begun. And that’s a good thing, we believe, because it means a new edition of Dutch Design Week isn’t too far away! Just like the past years, we host a ‘Discovery Tour’ (hosted by DDW) along thought-provoking design installations and leading designers showcasing their latest work at remarkable locations in Eindhoven’s city centre. A wide range of people we love to work with are invited as well, like freelancers and customers.
Tell what's on your mind and we'll be in touch soon!